Friday 14 March 2014

Yosemite National Park - facts and figures

Here's a little video with facts and figures of Yosemite National Park, which contains some nice examples of collocations typically used in travel and tourism.

I propose the following:

Find these expressions in the video and complete the facts:
Located in…
It’s visited by…
It’s home to…
Some of the visitors look for…
It boasts …

Find the figures! For an extra challenge, try to use the same wording as in the video, with full compound adjectives. Careful with spelling! 
How high is Yosemite Falls?
How high is El Capitan?
What are the dimensions of the slab of granite beneath the surface to which El Capitan belongs?

How high are sequoias (include the comparison)? 

An extra question: why are researchers climbing the sequoias?

You can find the key here. Let's travel a bit!


  1. Thank you Beatriz. I don't usually post any comments including my answers here, mainly because it doesn't make sense to me to do that since by the time I try to do the tasks suggested, the key has already been posted (yes,I should be quicker), but I find the activities you propose about these interesting videos(and that I try to solve without cheating) really useful for us, your students.

  2. Thanks to you, Verónica!
    The fact is that I've started including the key with the task because people were no longer commenting regularly. It's not that you should be quicker, in fact, it would be impossible for you to do it before I post the key because I post both things at the same time!

    But you are welcome to commenting with your answers. Some people may want to read comments before reading the key. This has happened in the past and I would certainly encourage you to do it.

    Always a pleasure that you find it useful. See you around in the comments soon!
